No One is Doing It achiever brick and mortar influencing behavior leading change

This past holiday season I decided to challenge myself. I have always been opposed to shopping online, yet the stories my friends were telling me...

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The SEVEN crucial moments in the Customer Service Experience achiever brick and mortar change management customer experience

In this time of retail (r)evolution, everyone is talking about how the future belongs to retailers with a great Customer Experience. Few people are...

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We Are Successful Because You Are Successful achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Our successes are defined by the successes of others—by the successes of people like you.  2017 was a great year for The Mann Group, but...

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Malls Aren’t Dead achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

It’s nearly the most wonderful time of the year again, and that means people are grabbing their bags and wallets and heading to their mecca...

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A Little Ditty About a Girl and Her Bikes achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Let me preface this tale with a fact: it is incredibly difficult to break habits. That being said, it’s important to shake things up and...

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Show Your Loyalty: Get a Tattoo! achiever brick and mortar change management influencing behavior leading change

There is no sign of dedication and devotion as abiding as a tattoo. For centuries, folks have used ink to symbolize their commitment to lovers and...

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What are Your Customers Thinking? achiever brick and mortar change management consumer insights leading change

It’s not a question that’s easy to answer; you can’t exactly walk up to a customer and ask them for an in-depth review. Comment...

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The Nature Fix achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

In today’s specialty retail industry, we often find ourselves being tugged by opposing forces, most of which can be divided into two camps:...

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GEAR: “R” Relationship Part Three achiever brick and mortar gear leading change

As 2016 comes to a close, so does our series on GEAR. From Get Involved, to Edit, to Appeal, to Relationship, we’ve broken down the various...

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Don’t create a “Hack-a-Shaq,” Give Good Feedback. achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Effective Leadership involves Feedback. If you intend to influence adult behavior and improve performance, you must master the skill of giving...

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Hiring Should Not be Done in a Day achiever brick and mortar hiring leading change

Let’s face it: we’re all pretty lucky. Most of us don’t roll out of bed in the mornings, we positively hop out of the sheets and...

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Specialty Retail Meets Innovation achiever brick and mortar leading change

A decade ago, when the internet was still fairly new and the retail industry stagnant, innovation came in the form of online marketplaces. Now...

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